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OVI CHECKPOINTS: CLEVELANDThe city of Cleveland has just sent us a notice that it will have an OVI checkpoint Friday night...
OVI CHECKPOINT: DELAWAREOHP has released information about an OVI checkpoint tonight.
SUPREME COURT RULES HW PATROL MUST RELEASE PUBLIC RECORDS, UNLESS EXEMPTION SHOWNThe Ohio Supreme Court ruled today that the Highway Patrol must demonstrate that materials withheld from a public records request are exempt from disclosure...
FRIDAY OVI CHECKPOINTS: COLUMBUSCheckpoints scheduled this evening for at least two areas in Columbus.
NEMANN LAW OFFICES: DUI Case DismissedBased upon the misinformation given by the Trooper, as well as the destruction of the cruiser video, the prosecutor's office agreed to dismsis the DUI case.
SOBRIETY CHECKPOINTS: COLUMBUSThe Ohio State Highway Patrol plans to hold a sobriety checkpoint late Friday. The checkpoint is funded by federal grants and is planned to deter and intercept impaired drivers
OVI CHECKPOINTS: CINCINNATI AREAIn conjunction with law enforcement agencies across the country, the Butler, Hamilton county OVI task forces will be conducting OVI checkpoints Friday night to crackdown on impaired driving.
STEUBENVILLE RAPE CASE UPDATEAdam Lee Nemann, the attorney for Trenton Mays, is moving the Court to allow his client to enter into a sex offender program, which is offered at a private facility.
BEYOND SOBRIETY TESTS, OFFICERS LEARNING TO GAUGE DRUG USEImpaired drivers on Ohio’s roadways have more than a Breathalyzer to worry about, now that law-enforcement officers are being trained as drug detectors.
DUI SUSPECTS CAN'T AUTOMATICALLY BE SUBJECTED TO BLOOD TESTS WITHOUT A WARRANTPeople suspected of drunken driving can’t automatically be subjected to blood tests without a warrant and without their consent, the U.S. Supreme Court has held
ADVANCES IN SCIENCE OF FIRE FREE A CONVICT AFTER 42 YEARSLouis C. Taylor has always professed his innocence, and on Tuesday, advances in the science of fire investigations finally set him free after 42 years in prison
US SUPREME COURT: DOG SNIFF AT HOME'S FRONT DOOR IS A "SEARCH" REQUIRING PROBABLE CAUSEWe consider whether using a drug-sniffing dog on a homowner's porch to investigate the contents of the home is a "search" within the meaning of the 4th Amendment.
U.S. PRISON POPULATION REACHING CRISIS LEVELSWe have become a superpower of incarceration. Today we warehouse 2.2 million inmates according to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report.
NEW YORK TIMES: Rape Case Unfolds on Web and Splits CityAdam Nemann, the juvenile’s lawyer, said the case was unusual because the police collected no physical evidence or testimony from the girl who the police believe was raped.
Nemann defends man accused of gruesome murderFrank Charles Calloway was beaten, doused with gasoline, and set on fire. Columbus Police Homicide detectives arrested Ullman Julius Taylor for murder.
Judges Make First Call on Early ReleaseBy state law, only those convicted of certain third-, fourth- and fifth-degree felonies can be evaluated for entry into the Intensive Program Prison, or IPP
New Judicial Release Law“Eligible offender” means any person who, on or after April 7, 2009, is serving a stated prison term that includes one or more nonmandatory prison terms
Nemann Law is successful in reducing prison sentences across OhioWe reverse the judgment of the Franklin County trial court and remand to impose a sentence no greater than 3 years of incarceration. Adam Nemann for appellant.
Ohio's new Expungement LawOhio's new expungement law allows more people to be eligible for an expungement than the old law, and adds new offenses that can be expunged.
Bill Aims to Increase Public Safety While Shrinking Prison PopulationThis past year, Ohio House Bill 86 was signed into law. It was designed, in part, to address the overcrowding of prisons within the state. At more than 51,000 inmates, the current state prison population is 33 percent over capacity.
- Posted on 06/20/2018 Defending Against Child Pornography Charges – Ohio Sexual Crimes Defense Attorneys